Why do filing IP in Indonesia?
The protection of Intellectual Property (IP) Rights in Indonesia is more important than ever, since Indonesia, as the only ASEAN G-20 member, has a key position in ASEAN countries, not only due to its biggest market and economic potential in the region, but also its position as an entry country-market to ASEAN Free Trade Areas with China and India, ASEAN Economic Community, and other regional and bilateral economic pacts.
Indonesia in Figures 1)
Population: 240 million
Market Size: 5th World EM (1st ASEAN)
Market Growth: 4thWorld EM (1st ASEAN)
Market Potential: 12ndWorld EM (2ndASEAN)
Consumption Capacity: 10thWorld EM (2ndASEAN), higher than Brazil, India and China
Counterfeiting Index 2) 0.50952, one of the lowest in East Asia (after Japan and Singapore)
Protection of Intellectual Properties is part of long-term business strategies, that makes IP protection in Indonesia as important as targeting a new market in a company’s business plan.
Indonesia is surrounding by countries with higher Counterfeiting Index, therefore protection of Intellectual Property Rights becomes more inevitable for doing business in the region.
With around 7% economic growth, Indonesia is like an oasis in current global economic condition. It makes the ongoing and future business competition in Indonesian market stronger than ever. Hence, IP protections in Indonesia could be used as one of business tools in order to survive in doing business in Asia.
For further IP strategies in Indonesia and in Asia please contact us.